L'eleganza di una dimora storica

in un parco di alberi secolari


Lake Vico, Lake Bracciano and Lake Bolsena, all of volcanic origin, are the three main destinations for sailing, canoe and kajak lovers in the Viterbo area. Lake Vico is certainly preferable for those who, during their canoe trips, want to get deeply in touch with a natural landscape that is untouched by man. From a wildlife point of view, the greatest attraction is constituted by the many water birds that are stationed on the lake shore and, more often, in the water: coots, pochards, tufted duck, mallards, whistles, canapillas. The symbol of the reserve is the great crested grebe, but there are also white and ashen herons, along with many other species.

Canoeing it is not uncommon to come across these beautiful animals and feel accompanied. The landscape impact is also impressive, with Mount Venere looming with its verdant and wooded bulk, reflecting on the lake. Extremely interesting are the paths through the wide reeds that surround the lake.

Going in a canoe, it is not uncommon to come across these beautiful animals and feel accompanied. The landscape impact is also impressive, with Mount Venere looming with its verdant and wooded bulk, reflecting on the lake. Extremely interesting are the paths through the wide reeds that surround the lake.